
We upload two versions of DBSLMM, including default version (p-value threshold=1e-06 and LD threshold=0.1) and tuning version. Specially, tuning version needs a validation data, like LDpred, lassosum adn C+T.


install.packages(c("data.table", "optparse"), dependencies=TRUE)

Example data

Input file format

chr rs  ps  n_mis   n_obs   allele1 allele0 af  beta    se  p_wald
1   rs58276399  731718  99  2301    C   T   0.110   1.272675e-01    3.461097e-02    2.410969e-04
1   rs141242758 734349  98  2302    C   T   0.109   1.276907e-01    3.463008e-02    2.317011e-04
1   rs28544273  751343  34  2366    A   T   0.120   1.320775e-01    3.276319e-02    5.720490e-05
1   rs28527770  751756  31  2369    C   T   0.121   1.364192e-01    3.269947e-02    3.128107e-05
1   rs3115860   753405  16  2384    C   A   0.128   1.470137e-01    3.158378e-02    3.421012e-06
1   rs529912679 753430  17  2383    C   T   0.125   1.492779e-01    3.201234e-02    3.285182e-06
1   rs2073813   753541  22  2378    A   G   0.126   1.422969e-01    3.182372e-02    8.132450e-06
1   rs3131969   754182  16  2384    A   G   0.129   1.487274e-01    3.155196e-02    2.571517e-06
1   rs3131968   754192  16  2384    A   G   0.129   1.487274e-01    3.155196e-02    2.571517e-06
1   rs3131967   754334  16  2384    T   C   0.129   1.487274e-01    3.155196e-02    2.571517e-06
1   rs3115858   755890  3   2397    A   T   0.129   1.467534e-01    3.146006e-02    3.259725e-06
1   rs181250764 756533  47  2353    T   C   0.119   1.534308e-01    3.305476e-02    3.641537e-06
1   rs3131962   756604  0   2400    A   G   0.130   1.464455e-01    3.141295e-02    3.304095e-06
1   rs6699990   756912  0   2400    A   G   0.130   1.464455e-01    3.141295e-02    3.304095e-06
1   rs3115853   757640  3   2397    G   A   0.130   1.487149e-01    3.138661e-02    2.282682e-06
1   rs4951929   757734  1   2399    C   T   0.129   1.469647e-01    3.142780e-02    3.083623e-06
1   rs4951862   757936  1   2399    C   A   0.129   1.469647e-01    3.142780e-02    3.083623e-06
1   rs3131956   758144  1   2399    A   G   0.129   1.469647e-01    3.142780e-02    3.083623e-06
1   rs3131954   758626  3   2397    C   T   0.129   1.489328e-01    3.145579e-02    2.321970e-06

Input parameters


We prepare all the input file in the folder test_dat. You can output the explanation for each parameter:

Rscript ${DBSLMM} -h
Rscript ${DBSLMM} --help

The details is:

        INPUT: the summary statistics (gemma output format)
        INPUT: the perfix of Plink software
        INPUT: the perfix of dbslmm software
        INPUT: the perfix of reference panel
    INPUT: the block information (Berisa and Pickrell 2015)
        INPUT: the output path
        INPUT: the sample size of summary data
        INPUT: the number of SNPs in whole genome
        INPUT: the heritability of trait
        INPUT: type of DBSLMM (default: default version)
        INPUT: the cutoff of SNPs clumping (default: 0.1)
        INPUT: the cutoff of SNPs pruning (default: 1e-6)
        INPUT: the maximium of the difference between reference panel and summary data (default:0.2)
        INPUT: the number of threads (default: 5)


You can output the explanation for each parameter:

Rscript ${TUNE} -h
Rscript ${TUNE} --help

The detail is:

        INPUT: the predicted phenotype (PLINK output)
        INPUT: the validation phenotype file and column number
        INPUT: four different indexes (MSE and R2 for continuous trait, Brier score and AUC for binary trait)
        INPUT: the range of p-value threshold
        INPUT: the range of LD threshold
        INPUT: covariate
        INPUT: chromosome

Output file format

The example of output file is:

rs13302957 G 0.546652 1.82642 1
rs3748588 T 0.273432 1.64563 1
rs74045047 A -0.282306 -0.5378 1
rs3845292 G 0.159231 0.22554 1
rs113288277 T -0.0524222 -0.18273 1
rs112797925 A 0.252739 1.12303 1
rs12743678 A 0.741517 1.51564 1
rs141242758 C 0.00548007 0.0124342 0
rs28544273 A 0.0114189 0.0248473 0
rs3115860 C 0.00628248 0.013297 0
rs2073813 A 0.00771072 0.0164301 0
rs3131969 A 0.00191854 0.00404717 0
rs3131968 A 0.00191854 0.00404717 0
rs3131967 T 0.00191854 0.00404717 0
rs3115858 A 0.00415565 0.00876637 0
rs3131962 A 0.0112978 0.0237545 0
rs3115853 G 0.00251826 0.00529485 0
rs4951929 C 0.00443819 0.0093624 0
rs4951862 C 0.00256037 0.00540112 0
rs3131956 A 0.00341574 0.00720553 0

The first column is SNP ID. The second column is allele code. The third code is scaled effect size. The forth is non-scaled effect size (using MAF from summary statistics). You can also use the MAF from other reference panel to estimate effect size. The fifth column is the index of whether it is large effect or not (1: large effect, 0: small effect). This output format can be directly used to score function of PLINK.

Example code

Parameters initialization

### change file permission for dbslmm
chmod 777 ${dbslmm}
### Parameters for DBSLMM
mkdir /your/path/DBSLMM/test_dat/out
let chr=1
m=`cat ${summf}${chr}.assoc.txt | wc -l` 
nobs=`sed -n "2p" ${summf}${chr}.assoc.txt | awk '{print $5}'`
nmis=`sed -n "2p" ${summf}${chr}.assoc.txt | awk '{print $4}'`
n=$(echo "${nobs}+${nmis}" | bc -l)

Note: In real data, m is the snp number for whole genome and h2 is esitmated by LDSC(https://github.com/bulik/ldsc) or GEMMA(https://github.com/genetics-statistics/GEMMA). For the binary traits, we recommend to use liability scale beritability.

Default version

Rscript ${DBSLMM} --summary ${summf}${chr}.assoc.txt --outPath ${outPath} --plink ${plink} --dbslmm ${dbslmm} --ref ${ref}${chr} --n ${n} --nsnp ${m} --block ${blockf}${chr}.bed --h2 0.5
### Predict
## plink 1.9
${plink} --bfile ${bfilete}${chr} --score ${est}${chr}.assoc.dbslmm.txt 1 2 4 sum --out ${InterPred}${chr}
rm ${InterPred}${chr}.log
## plink 2
${plink} --bfile ${bfilete} --score ${est}${chr}.assoc.dbslmm.txt 1 2 4 cols=+scoresums --out ${InterPred}${chr}
rm ${InterPred}.log

Note: Please check the reference panel. DBSLMM is not accept genotype missing for all samples in reference panel.

Tuning version

Fit model with different p-value and LD threshold

### DBSLMM for chromosome 1
for pv in 1e-05 1e-06 1e-07 1e-08
for r2 in 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Rscript ${DBSLMM} --summary ${summf}${chr}.assoc.txt --outPath ${outPath} --plink ${plink} --dbslmm ${dbslmm} --ref ${ref}${chr} --pv ${pv} --r2 ${r2} --mafMax 1 --n ${n} --nsnp ${m} --type t --block ${blockf}${chr}.bed --h2 ${herit}
plink-1.9 --bfile ${val}${chr} --score ${outPath}summary_gemma_chr${chr}_pv${pv}_r${r2}.dbslmm.txt 1 2 4 sum --silent --out ${InterPred}
rm ${outPath}summary_gemma_chr${chr}_pv${pv}_r${r2}.dbslmm.badsnps
rm ${InterPred}.log
if [ -f "${InterPred}.nopred" ];then
rm ${InterPred}.nopred

Note: You can submit many jobs for different p-value thresholds, LD thresholds and chromosomes.

Select the best parameter combination

index=r2 #mse, auc or bs
## chromosome 1 
Rscript ${TUNE} --phenoPred ${InterPred} --phenoVal ${phenoVal}${chr}.fam,6 --pvRange 1e-05,1e-06,1e-07,1e-08 --ldRange 0.05,0.1,0.15,0.2,0.25 --index ${index} --chr 1
rbest=`cat ${InterPred}_rbest.${index}`
pbest=`cat ${InterPred}_pbest.${index}`
mv ${outPath}summary_gemma_chr${chr}_pv${pbest}_r${rbest}.dbslmm.txt ${outPath}summary_gemma_chr${chr}_best.dbslmm.txt rm ${outPath}summary_gemma_chr${chr}_pv*
rm ${InterPred}*.profile

## whole genome
Rscript ${TUNE} --phenoPred ${InterPred} --phenoVal ${phenoVal}${chr}.fam,6 --pvRange 1e-05,1e-06,1e-07,1e-08 --ldRange 0.05,0.1,0.15,0.2,0.25 --index ${index} 
rbest=`cat ${InterPred}_rbest.${index}`
pbest=`cat ${InterPred}_pbest.${index}`
for chr in `seq 1 22`
mv ${outPath}summary_gemma_chr${chr}_pv${pbest}_r${rbest}.dbslmm.txt ${outPath}summary_gemma_chr${chr}_best.dbslmm.txt rm ${outPath}summary_gemma_chr${chr}_pv*
rm ${InterPred}*.profile